Bootssport Gräf as a dealer of Lund, Swiss Cat, Motocraft and Rigiflex, Bootssport Gräf has a large selection of aluminum, GRP and plastic boats
Also in the range outboard motors and products from MERCURY
Specializes in the sale of Garmin, Minn Kota and Humminbird accessories
Lots of experience on and around the water in fishing with a boat and echo sounder
You will find everything to do with boating and fishing by boat
Bootssport Gräf is providing prizes for the longest pike and the top 15 anglers of the competition with a total value of more than 3.500 EUR product value!
- Longest Pike sent in first over fish report: Bootssport Gräf Voucher 200 €
- 1st Place: Garmin Striker Vivid 7sv + GT52 Transducer 599 €
- 2nd Place: Jarocell Portable 20 AH incl. Charger 419 €
- 3rd Place: Bootssport Gräf Voucher 350 €
- 4th Place: Microremote RSC2 328 €
- 5th Place: 2x Autochart Zeroline 258 €
- 6th Place: Bootssport Gräf Voucher 200 €
- 7th Place: Minn Kota C2 199 €
- 8th Place: 2x Bootssport Gräf Life Jacket 198 €
- 9th Place: Micro Remote 179 €
- 10th Place: RC 2 Remote Controller Humminbird 149 €
- 11th Place: 1 Autochart Zeroline 129 €
- 12th Place: Bootssport Gräf Voucher 100 €
- 13th Place: 1x Bootssport Gräf Life Jacket 99 €
- 14th Place: Bootssport Gräf Voucher 75 €
- 15th Place: Bootssport Gräf Voucher 50 €
All prizes are directly sponsored and shipped by Bootssport Gräf. Prizes are not tax free and anyone who is receiving prizes is responsible for the correct tax declaration.