Each fish must be sent to LM Admin with 2 pictures

1st picture: LM Measure Board

Only fish that have been caught with a measure board authorized by LM will be scored.

Day code (3 numbers between 1-30) must be marked on the measure board with the help of the brackets provided. If the day code is missing, the catch will be rejected. The day code is available on luremasters.net on every calendar day from midnight, it is only valid on this calendar day. The code is the same for every tournament running on this day. If brackets are lost, the day code can show on a slip of paper or on the back of the hand. In these exceptional cases, catching is accepted until new brackets organized. The use of the LM measure board is absolutely necessary, images with other measure boards must be rejected. The correct day code must definitely always be visible on the measure board picture, if not, the catch doesn’t count.

All centimeters at the upper edge of the measure board must be consistently visible on the picture in order to make folding the board impossible.

The fish must always be photographed with the left side, see the fish sketch at the stop on the measure board. Pictures from the right side will be rejected.

The fish must touch the stop at the zero point of the board with its mouth. If this contact with the stop is not recognizable, the catch will be rejected. The picture must clearly show that the fish is touching the stop, for this it is imperative to photograph the fish straight from above, pictures with a distorting angle are rejected.

Fish must lie on a flat surface on the measure board.

Before taking a picture, please wet the measure board in order to protect the fish.

The field that touches the outermost tip of the tail is the specified length in full cm. If the tip of the tail is exactly on the line between two fields, the higher value counts.

If the full length of the fish can’t be seen in the picture with the measure board, it will be rejected and not scored.

Heavily contaminated fish f. ex. sand, stones, leaves, blood or other kinds of injuries lead to rejection by LM admin. Exceptions are injuries that the fish has already had, such as bite marks or similar.

Pictures of poor quality due to blurring or other factors that mean that not everything is recognizable will be rejected and not counted.

The picture on the measure board must always be taken immediately after the catch.

2nd picture: Angler with fish

The picture of the angler with the fish without the day code.

Always photograph the left side of the fish, the same side as was photographed on the measure board, so that LM admin can check whether it is the same fish.

The face of the angler must be recognizable in each picture you sent in, we want to be sure, that the same person caught the fish.

The full length of the fish must be recognizable in the picture, if the end of the tail is not in the picture, the catch will not be score.

Heavily polluted fish f. ex. sand, stones, leaves, blood lead to rejection by LM admin. Exceptions are injuries that the fish has already had, such as f. ex. bite marks or similar.

Pictures of the angler with the fish only in natural surroundings.

The picture with the catcher must always be taken immediately after the catch.

3. Submission of catches

The angler in the picture must always be the catcher, if the participant cannot be recognized in the picture with the fish, the catch will be refused.

Send in both pictures together, LM admin must be able to recognize that it is the same fish.

Catch photos must be submitted by 1:00 p.m. on the following calendar day, photos submitted later will not be counted. Of course, the pictures can also be sent with a computer after fishing.

In the event of rejection, information is provided about the reason for the rejection, after which, if available, better pictures of the catch can be submitted by the deadline of the next calendar day at 1:00 p.m.

LM admin reserves the right to complete rejections. Due to time constraints, rejections are non-negotiable and must be accepted by the participant.

All approved catches can be rejected by LM admin until the final leaderboard has been confirmed during and at the end of each tournament, stating the reasons.

4. General

Participation is only possible for registered members on luremasters.net

Registration is free.

In case of a tie the team with the biggest fish wins, if they both have an equally big fish the next big fish will determine the outcome. Or the next fish until a result is available. Big fish meaning big by length.

The state laws and rules on site must be observed at all times, each participant is independently liable for his behavior on the water.

If, depending on the place of receipt, duties or taxes are incurred on prices, the recipient is responsible for the associated costs. LM and the sponsor of the prizes are not liable for any costs incurred in this context.

Closed periods on site are to be observed.

Individual water rules are to be followed.

All fish must have been caught with the fishing rod by the competitor.

No participation with fish from a fish farm.

Each participant can send in any number of catches during a tournament, the longest fishes are automatically scored for the leaderboards.

Every angler can start in several tournaments at the same time, if a fish caught can be rated in several tournaments according to the announcement, the fish must be sent in for the different tournaments one after the other. The same pictures can be sent in, but one after the other for each tournament in which the participant is listed on the leaderboard. The day code is always valid on a calendar day for all tournaments running at the same time.

The participant must always be the catcher and he must be recognizable in the picture.

Each fish is only scored once for the first catcher per tournament.