2020 Luremasters Lustrum Edition

Luremasters 2020 Lustrum Edition

Luremasters 2020 – Lustrum Edition – New Organisation – Event Dates

We received many messages regarding Luremasters 2020. “If, when, how”, but mainly: “can I subscribe please?” We know we have tested your patience, but the good news is: there will be a Luremasters 2020 Lustrum Edition, and subscriptions will open soon! All info will be shared on our Facebook and Website, so make sure to check for updates on a regular basis!

A new chapter

But before we dive into the 2020 Event, let’s look back on the past couple of months and why we took our time before announcing any news. As you all know we, Hendrik-Jan, John and Volkmar organize Luremasters as a part of our hobby, in our spare time. Spare time that got more and more limited over the years, while the workload Luremasters asks kept increasing. Either we do things right or we don’t do them at all, and so, after duly evaluating all options, we took a drastic decision. We will not continue running Luremasters.

Looking back

Co-founded by Raymarine, in 2016 Hendrik Jan and Volkmar launched the Luremasters event. Putting together our combined knowledge about what we liked, but especially did not like about other tournaments, we formed a format in which Fishing, Fun and Fairness would always be the key factors. Another important aspect for us was being open to all types of anglers and all styles of fishing.
After a successful tryout with 17 participating teams in 2016, 2017 proved that we made a good impression. We set the max to 60 boats and almost filled the tournament. Our friend John took the responsibility of being Head Marshall for the tournament and a group of Marshalls formed, consisting of Dutch and Belgian volunteers, who all became good friends with each other and ourselves. Team spirit in optima forma that never faded, over the years to come.

And then things started to roll! 2018: 60 Spots sold out within 2 days and a very long reserve list. 2019, We upsized to 90 boats because we could much use the financial input to let the event grow more professional, without compromising on our key values. Fully booked within 10 hours after opening the subscription!

All of a sudden Luremasters is among the biggest tournaments in Europe. The name, the fame, it also put quite some pressure on us ‘spare time organizers’. With the event, our sponsors grew and with them responsibilities. John joined the organization in order to be able to split the workload by three instead of two, but still the workload was significant, if not problematic at times.

The 2019 Event was again a big success and after the event our inboxes exploded with questions about 2020. But for us it was important to evaluate, are we able to continue like this? Our conclusion for ourselves to continue was “no”, But we would also hate to see all our work and effort dissolve.
So what to do? We gave it a week’s time to think things over and then make a final decision.

New owners!

And then “out of the blue”, Christian Biereth contacts us. President of SWAT FISHING and BASSBOAT GERMANY, multiyear main event sponsor for the WPC and above all, tournament enthusiast. “Another guy asking for 2020 dates”, but this time with a different goal, as he told us he wanted to organize a new, to be formed tournament/event in 2020 and not end up with conflicting dates.

After some internal discussion, we quickly came together for a meeting, to exchange plans and explore options. Christian brought his business partner Timo Ruff and within an hour after we met up, we knew this was a perfect next step for all parties.

We decided to hand over the Luremasters tournament, brand and all things attached to Christian and Timo. It just felt right, a kick start for Christian and Timo, and for us it means Luremasters will continue to exist. Christian and Timo will run Luremasters from now on.

So, did we disappear just now?

Of course the handover of Luremasters is no one-day job and for the 2020 Lustrum Event, Hendrik-Jan, John and Volkmar will assist Christian and Timo in the background, with the organization of the event. Christian and Timo have big plans for the future and we are much interested to see how Luremasters will evolve.

What remains for us is to thank all sponsors who we have worked with over the years. Without sponsors the tournament would not have existed. Especially co-founder and main event sponsors Raymarine, but let’s not forget Crestliner, Yamaha, Pega, Navionics, Bifi & Jacklink’s, Flambeau Outdoors Europe, MDSI, Raven, EBBM and many others. And of course our Marshall team, who did an excellent job keeping the tournament Fair, while not forgetting to have Fun.

And last but not least, we’d like to thank all who participated once or more over the years. Thank you for your trust and we hope you will keep on participating in this great event.

And we now give the word to Christian and Timo, who will get back to you very soon with all relevant information regarding the 2020 Lustrum Edition!

Best regards,
Hendrik-Jan, Volkmar and John

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